How cool to be nominated for the Versatile blogger award by
Jessie at Two little homeschoolers
Let me do a little Happy dance!!!!
Thank you so much Jessie! Hey guys go check out her blog to learn more about her.
What exactly is this award?
The Versatile Blogger Award is given to bloggers by their peers to recognize talent around the web.
• Thank the blogger who nominated you and share their link.
• Nominate up to 10 bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs. Also, inform them about the nomination.
• Reveal 7 facts about yourself that your readers may not know.
7 facts about me
- I love Starbucks shaken iced green tea with no water or ice but still sweet.
- I have lived in Washington, Oregon and New Mexico.
- I almost totally stopped printing photos when I went digital.
- I love pocket scrapbooking the most and have my own group on Facebook Project Lifers
- I moved around a lot and can’t even count how many different schools I attended.
- I love soup and make it a lot at home.
- I volunteer a lot at church and Girl Scouts for events that need photographed.
Now it’s my turn to nominate some other amazing bloggers out there:
- What Jess Loves
- Lisa Live Well
- Rebuild Rob
- Guiri Insider
- The Appreciative Traveler
- Daily Travel Pill
- It’s Me Lady G
- Hoaloha UK
- No Happy Accidents
- Plaid Shirt Yoga Pants
Go ahead and check out all of these other fun blogs!
Thank you once more Jessie for nominating me!
Thank you for the nomination. I will update my site and share the love!! I love your site. Thank you!
You are welcome. I look forward to your post.
Thanks for the nomination – I will update my blog with the info. I enjoyed browsing through you r site.
Thank you
Yeyyy my first blog nomination, what an honour, thank you so much!!!! 🙂
You are very welcome! I look forward to reading your blog post.
thanks for nominating me – will follow through and find some fun blogs! Thanks!
You are very welcome
Congrats again Schona! Your blog looks great!
Thanks again!