New lens today
I always get so excited when I get a new piece of photography gear, it seems like Christmas all over again. So I ordered a new lens (Canon 24-70 2.8 L ) and it arrived yesterday. I ran to the door when my hubby announced the UPS guy has arrived and my two young boys followed right behind me. As I was checking to make sure the box wasn’t damaged my son Kai was hugging the guys legs and I had to laugh. Everything looked great and I went right to my office and grabbed my camera and shutter remote and headed outside in my slippers. I plopped my camera on the back of my car and took my pic with my new lens! lol. Then I popped the new lens on my camera and took some close up shots of some weeds and flowers just to test it out. A little crazy I know but that is me. I went inside and read the manual that came with it and then got on Facebook to annouce it’s arrival to whoever would listen. lol.
So that is a glimpse into my life and how excited I can get over stuff. Enjoy the pics…many more will follow with time. 🙂
Schona you're the most lucky girl in the world 🙂
congrats on your new lens and I love your self-portraits….
Congrats on your new glass! Have fun with it!
Hate ya! LOL Enjoy your new toy *mwah*
Yay! You got it!!! Good for ya Schona! =D
Schona, you crack me up! These pictures are hysterical. 🙂 What an awesome lens, I bet you are more than excited! Congratulations and happy shooting!