Confirmed Autism Diagnosis for Zeke
Zeke is 3 years and 4 months and is just a cutie pie. A small problem is he still is not talking. He has said some things a few times then we hardly hear them again…if ever. Examples of words or sounds…all in baby talk still: choo choo, a coo a coo (a clue a clue), ee dada, de de = delicious, mm mmm mmmm.
He is not dressing himself and not looking people in the eye for more than probably 2 seconds. We thought he would gradually grow outta the baby stage but it seems to keep going and going. We have given him enough time to start progressing so we will have him checked out.
He is smiley and loving to adults but when angered has a tendency to kick, hit, scratch and bite other kids. I have been bitten a few times as well…along with a few others…it is no fun when he is mad.
He is also an avid climber. He has climbed to the top of our fridge and the top shelf in his closet. I will find some photos.
We found a great naturpathic Dr. in town named Dr. Sheryl Wagner. We saw her a time or two and then she suggested getting him tested. We did a stool/urine test kit which we had the joy of doing ourselves at home. Let me tell you it is a stinky job! lol. We had the blood test done in the office and of coarse Zeke didn’t like a second of it. Poor guy.
Waiting on the Allergy Test Results
Well a few short weeks later the test results and we met up at the Dr.s office on May 25th. We soon learned that Zeke has a strong sensitivity to Milk products and we are told to no longer allow him to have them. We were also told that he has a high amount of yeast and bad bacteria growing in his gut and needed to be treated. She gave us a couple choices of which route to take and we decided to take a prescription of Nystatin for 7 days to get rid of the yeast. She also told us to go and get a bottle of Ultra Probiotics to help with the bad bacteria in his belly. She didn’t say exactly how long he would take that so perhaps forever…. The last thing she told us he needed was B-12 in either a shot form or liquid. Well I chose the liquid obviously…I don’t want to give my poor lil’ guy shots if not needed. That would be to help with his speech.
So off I went to the local Health store named “The Country Village” and I found the Probiotics, B-12, Cocoa powder, Rice Dream (milk) and lots of ideas along with a lot of high prices. lol. I was just glad that they had what I needed and I got it and left. I went to Target to fill his prescription and after waiting over the 20 mins they told me plus another 20 I gave up and said I would come back the next day. Apparently the Dr had forgotten to date the prescription and put down word for word directions in giving it to him so they wouldn’t give it to me. Oh well!
He took to the Rice Dream like there was no difference at all. I am still glad he drinks a lot of water because if he was a milk-a-holic we would quickly go broke. lol. I can say that I was pretty bummed that cheese and Dairy Queen icecream are no longer allowed since they are things he will miss but we shall press on.
Dr Appointment for Autism Diagnosis.
We got a referral from our pediatrician to go get Zeke tested at OHSU for Autism. The testing was a full day long with many different specialists running tests. The tests really looked more like playing for Zeke but they had their motives. hahahaha.
Autism Diagnosis Confirmed
A few weeks later we got the official diagnosis in the mail. It showed the test scores for Zeke in all of the areas he was tested. The scored were very low compared to the average child his age. I wasn’t surprised by it all after really paying attention to other kids his age and how he reacted to them. Our life will be different than other families but not in a bad way. We can do this!
Do you have a child with Autism?
What was your reaction when you heard your diagnosis?
I’ve found that once you find a good mix or brand of gluten free food.. going on amazon and ordering it in bulk is by far the cheapest solution all around!
oh wow I never thought of ordering it online! Great tip thanks! I figured I would hit up Whole Foods soon since we have never been there. 🙂
Schona! Your family is amazing and I love hearing about it because it gives us some insight on a great, healthy home. Yeah, there might be ‘issues’, but that’s life. It’s concerning when a parent leaves things alone as far as the well being of their children, but I love how you guys are ALWAYS on top of “things”. Keep it up. You guys are a great family influence on MY family. Hope the best to what may come, but it’s all God’s plan, so it will be alright either way in the long run.
Thanks Aaron! Some people may think we waited too long to get on this….but we did what we felt was right.
Thanks again for your comment it made me smile. Yes we are blesed and either way it is God’s plan!