I almost had a heart attack!
Another almost Catastrophe happened due to Zeke having Autism. Last Saturday was my nieces 8th birthday. I took my three kids to the bowling alley to celebrate with her. All was going pretty good with Zeke besides him running into the bathroom a few times and locking himself in once. He played a few of the arcade games and even won some candy. My niece got a bowling pin for having her party there and everyone signed it. Zeke just loved it and kept grabbing it so I had to keep taking it away. Towards the end of the party after all the food was eaten and presents opened was when it happened.
My older niece was wanting a hug from Zeke. They hugged and she let him go. Before I could grab him he ran down the bowling lane street shoes on and all. I started yelling for him to stop but nothing worked. I had shoes on and knew I shouldn’t run down the oily lane as well. I just kept yelling and finally as he started to climb into the pins (the lane was turned off) a fast employee ran down while I was yelling “Just grab him!” He grabbed him by his feet and pulled him out of the pins. Of coarse once he got him out he let go before I could say anything and Zeke started running horizontally across all of the lanes all while laughing. I finally caught up with him and we quickly left the building.
Give an inch and he will take a mile
We try so hard to give him a little space to make the right choices but this stuff always happens….
Will he ever be able to live on his own?