I love the 30 Days of Lists Challenge!
So first things first. I signed up for this project with my friend Ashley.
We would scrapbook and do projects every two weeks back in the day.
I think she finished her album but I do not remember now. lol.
This album was started in 2012 but I just finished the last few pages last week.
I used a smash album for this project and love how it turned out.
Using my mini stapler I put tabs with numbers on each page to easily flip through.
I have a love for Thickers and Alphabet stickers which you will see in the video.
Here is my 30 Days of Lists Mini Album Flip Through Video
Sorry the video is so long…I wanted to show you all of the lists and my answers.
Have you made a list mini album yet?
Leave a link to your album below!
Have you ever thought about joining in on this fun challenge?
Check out the website for 30 Days of Lists Challenge
Here is the Facebook Page for 30 Days of Lists
Thank you guys!!!!